welcome back to the past! (sorta...)

i'm glad you found yourself over here! things might be looking a bit bleak for now but soon it will look better! My collection is well..sparce, but i'm collecting more and more each day!

my collection covers/will cover tech from the 1980s-2000s(and a bit of the early 2010s)

now you may be asking yourself...

how did you get into old tech?????

well, Anonymous voice, it all started back in the mid 2010s. Little me was obsessed with the ds and 3ds and reeaaalllllyyyy wanted one. I soon got a New 3ds XL in 2020 but the A button wasn't working, and it later died in 2021. I then got a blue 3ds a year later and i still have it (i recently modded it as well). That probably began my love for old tech!

have a wonderful day/night and enjoy reading!

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