Harvest Moon or Bokujo Monogatari is a farming life sim where you run your very own farm! You can harvest crops, take care of livestock and maybe find even find love! Harvest Moon (or story of seasons) has been one of my favorite games since I found it on 3ds awhile back! I eventually came to love the series as a whole! So as most sane people do, I played every single game*. So let's begin!

*the games excluded from this list are: Harvest Moon GB3, Harvest Moon for Girl, More friends of Mineral Town, Another Wonderful Life, Boy and Girl, DS Cute, Puzzle de Harvest Moon, My Little Shop, Minna de Bokujo Monogatari, Frantic Farming, any of the natsume Harvest Moon titles after 2012, Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale, Story of Seasons: The Tale of Two Towns+, Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town and Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

Harvest Moon (or Harvest MOON SNES) was released for the SNES in 1996. In the game you play as Pete, a young farmer who has been left the job of taking care of his late grandfathers land. You need to plant crops, clean up the farm, add livestock, and get married over the course of two and a half years. When the game ends, your father will evulate if the farm is in a good enough shape to let you get the good ending.
(I'll only be talking about important things here, if you want to see my entire diary for SNES you can access it here or here)